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DOT Physical/Drugs and Alcohol

With prescription drug and opioid addiction on the rise in America and an estimated 20 million Americans in need of treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, the prevalence of drug and alcohol use in the workplace is a serious concern for employers.

Warehouses are required to implement a safety plan, but safety doesn’t end with implementation.


It's also paramount that the execution of the safety procedures is done well.

Falls – Falling accounts for a large majority of workplace accidents. You
and your workers are always at risk of falling, not just when working above ground level.


Slipping and falling is common cause of injury among warehouse employees.

Each month, an average of two warehouse workers dies on the job after being crushed by heavy machinery,

according to the OSHA weekly fatality/catastrophe report.

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Why does our company need Drug & Alcohol Testing?

Each month, an average of two warehouse workers dies on the job after being crushed by heavy machinery, according to the OSHA weekly fatality/catastrophe report.

According to FMCSA, the number of accidents, deaths, injuries & property damage incidents due to impaired truck drivers is on the rise.

What steps should we take to ensure safety?

There are some practical steps employers can take to maximize workplace safety and minimize
liability for injuries resulting from employee intoxication.

Image by National Cancer Institute
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First, it is important to institute a workplace policy that no alcohol or drugs other than those prescribed by a physician are to be consumed on the job or before work begins for the day.

Employers can require testing for drugs and alcohol upon the report of a workplace injury.

Workplace policies are not failsafe but can be extremely helpful evidence in defending against workers’ compensation claims for intoxicated claimants.

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It’s in an employer’s best interest to conduct a breathalyzer or drug test as soon as possible after an accident.


The longer an employer waits to conduct a drug test, the less accurate it will

The post-accident drug test time limit is 12 hours after an accident occurs, as different
drugs have different windows of detection.

Tests for alcohol are more time-sensitive because of the short amount of time alcohol remains in a person’s system.


Breathalyzer tests are generally given within two hours of an accident but can be administered up to eight hours after.

How can Linson Eye Investigation Inc., help us maintain safety in the workplace & on the roads?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) post-accident drug testing policies prohibit employers from drug testing after all workplace accidents, as this may discourage workers from reporting their injuries.

Rather, an employer must have reasonable suspicion that a worker was intoxicated at the time of the accident and that the accident was caused by the impairment.

The employer should request a drug test and notify the employee with
instructions from Linson Eye Investigation Inc. on how to complete it.

Linson Eye Investigaton Inc. will inform the testing site that your employee will be arriving for a post-injury drug test. Typically, employees do not return to work following a post-injury drug test.


Linson Eye Investigation Inc. will
email the Employer all test results upon receipt in 24 to 48hrs (depending
on the test requested).

In some cases, Linson Eye Investigation, Inc. can send an investigator out
to the employer's place of business for Breathalyzer testing.


This will require the consent of the employee for video and voice recording, your company
HR personnel attendance for testing and its results.

Currently, urine is the only specimen permitted for federal drug testing programs.


The test will check for the five illicit drugs (amphetamines, THC,
cocaine, opiates, and phencyclidine) and alcohol.


However, employers can
test for additional substances, including drugs the employee may have a prescription for.

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