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Vehicle Recovery & Vehicle Sighting

              Theft Protection

Protect your lot from theft and


locate, find and recover missing or stolen inventory anywhere in the US

 We can easily access the travel history and last known locations of road-bound vehicles in the United States, when available, We are able to  plot multiple sightings for the same vehicle on a user-friendly map — an innovative way to draw meaningful insights with far less effort. 


With Plate Recognition we can  conveniently access Vehicle Sightings through any search or report containing a physical address, license plate number or VIN. This massive database of over 15 billion nationwide vehicle sightings, with up to 220 million sightings is added each month.


  • Time, date and locations for each sighting

  • Location data comes to life with integrated online mapping tools

  • Plot sightings at national and state levels with the precision to drill down to cities and neighborhoods

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